Channel Positive Inner Energy and Stay Motivated - Blue Goldstone Gemstone Benefits

Channel Positive Inner Energy and Stay Motivated - Blue Goldstone Gemstone Benefits

This post is a transcript from our series Mindful Mindsets with WonderLight Jewelry. You can listen wherever you listen to podcasts. To watch the video, click here!

To get your own Blue Goldstone Motivation reminders, click here!

Cat: Welcome back. It's Kati and Cat here to talk about motivation this week, and that is represented through the gemstone called blue goldstone. So go ahead and start us off with the information.

Kati: So this stone is pretty unique. It's one of the synthetic, man-made stones that we have. We don't have very many of those at all, yeah, but it's just super, super pretty. Very many of those at all, yeah, but it's just super super pretty. So, excuse me. So blue gold stone is a motivational stone whose appearance also evokes you to never stop reaching for the stars. Linked to a beautiful night sky, it is a reminder that light will always be found in the darkness to uplift your confidence, ambition and achieve your deepest desires.

Cat: So good and I do like this is the reason I get. Most of the time we gravitate to those natural gemstones. But the blue gold stone I feel like and I know on camera like they can't like fully see I do try, like I've tried to do like some like just reels and different things where it really like I get in there because it's like it just like shimmers, it has like little like golden glitter flecks in it and it's such a perfect color. So this is, for me personally, a stone and a like a pair of earrings that I reach for a lot. Yeah, just because I do wear a decent amount of like black or darker colors and I love the affirmation of motivation. I feel like that's just something that I always use, especially again, building a business and a company. I'm sure, like both of us like to be like okay, we got to go, we got to make the video, we got to take the pictures, we got to do the SEO, we got to like figure out the ad, like whatever, all the things like you need that like motivation. So, yeah, I love these pieces. I hope people you know they bring the same amount of joy to me that they do to the people that purchase them and wear them because they're gorgeous and I love motivation.

Kati: They are, I know, and it's such an important thing and it's really hard to find sometimes and I like I'm really big into fitness too and working out and I just think it's so fascinating, love moving my body, but it's really hard to find motivation. A lot of people that I have heard, like coaches and different you know podcasts that they're like motivation is stupid. Like you will not have motivation every single time you go to the gym. You're not going to have motivation to get all of your to do's done. You have to have, like, more of this grit and willpower and the dedication along with motivation. Like the motivation will come and go. That's an emotion. That's not something that will be with you always. It's an amazing thing to have and to try to channel and manifest, but it's not sturdy. You can't just rely on it every single time. So I think dedication, along with the motivation, is really important. But I love that in our affirmation card it talks about the like, the darkness, to uplift you and so you're going to have that darkness and light and so that the idea of those contrasting emotions and contrasting things helps you appreciate each of them more. Yeah, so I think that's a really cool part about this motivation card and that what this represents is that you're going to have both and that's okay and it will help you appreciate it even more when you don't see it as much.

Cat: Yeah, and I think, like you said, with the, especially like the working out one, that is such I feel like that's where I struggled to like sometimes I actually for cause. Again, I love both Like I love my job, I love what I do. I love building a company, I love working out. Again, I love both like I love my job, I love what I do, I love building a company, I love working out, I love feeling fit and healthy. Like that's actually again. Remember the five values. Yeah, like health is one of my five values. Was that on yours too? I can't remember. Oh, yeah, I think that was the one that we aligned on those core values. Yeah, we were both like, because I just remember, like when they're asking you like what's more important? This like do you prefer, like you know trust or you know vulnerability or whatever like the values were, it was always like I kept like in my mind being like I don't have health, like I just know. I remember again, like that yin and yang concept, the times where you are not healthy, Like I was telling a friend once and he was like not feeling good and I was like I was like what do you think is the best part about being sick? He was like whatever you're talking about. I was like no, the best part is the moment you start feeling better is, at least for me. I'm like, oh my gosh, I've been taking my health for granted. I forget what it's like, it's like, so everything. But again, if you're just like healthy all the time, you just kind of forget about it. Like you know, like I'm just breathing, I love being healthy, but for some reason, like the two almost things I love and that means so much to me, like health and business, like that motivation is just like sometimes hard to cultivate. So I like that again, like we're all about feeling enough and like, yes, personal growth is important, but it's also okay if you don't feel motivated every second of the day. Yeah, which again is why, like having just those little, that five seconds putting on your jewelry to just try to focus on that piece a little bit more and be like, okay, I'm going for motivation today, I've got this. You know we'll get to the actual affirmation at the end here, but yeah, just being able to have kind of kind of like those thoughts and reminders about the importance of motivation.

Kati: That's a beautiful example. So what helps you kind of channel motivation? You know we talked about the stone and the earrings and taking that time to focus on motivation in the morning. Yeah, but is there anything that you do that helps you feel a little bit more motivated when you're not feeling it?

Cat: Yeah, I think for sure. It's kind of like remembering the why concept. You know, like when you're trying to, if you're for some reason, if you're lacking that motivation, the thing you're trying to do is something it's kind of almost like. It's like a long game play, it seems like where the motivate myself if it's like I don't need motivation to go eat a chocolate bar, like that's because it's like an instant gratification. But motivation is tied to gratification, but not instant gratification. So like whatever you're doing is not going to necessarily bring you that instant result. You know, working on our business Like if I put out this podcast or if I, you know, create this new ad or work on this email camp like that's not going to instantly make my business successful, but consistently doing that over time will. And the same like with working, working out. It's like the motivation to go to the gym or eat healthy or move my body, like that, in and of it's like that singular activity isn't necessarily going to give me that instant like dopamine hit of like feel good, like, but the long-term game like that'll have like an even more powerful long term kind of like effect on my happiness and joy.

Kati: Yes, I love that so yeah, like consistency is important the motivation.

Cat: It's like the long, so it's like remembering the why. Okay, like in this moment, I don't know, like, again, it's almost trying to feel into that future moment a little bit and be like okay, if I know how good that will feel to get my body to this place I want it to be, and my health or, you know, like whatever it is yeah, I love that.

Kati: That's so. That's a good thing, because it's really hard to remember the why sometimes when you're in the low points and the deep icky feelings. So that's I think it's important. Yeah.

Cat: What about you? Do you have anything, any other kind of like tips, to cultivate motivation?

Kati: Um, I always talk about this. It feels like just like write down all my thoughts, get everything out of my head. Here's all my thoughts okay, do I have some systems in place for that? Um, but so then my other journal is more of a guided thing, so it's like, okay, write down the three things you're grateful for. What are three things that would make today? Awesome what is something you want to learn today, Whatever. So there's a few questions, but one of them that I really like is the what would make today great. And so if you're, you know, like, hey, I'm only looking for three things today. Like I have all these other things to do, but if I get nothing else done, like what are the most important things? Do those first. And so then, once you do those, it's like, oh, that felt really good. I love the feeling of checking off a box and saying, yep, I did that cross that off. And so if that's motivating to you, like write a list or physically check something off your list, and it kind of just gives you this little hit of oh yeah, okay, so what's next. And sometimes it doesn't and that's okay, but if you know like your priorities, that's kind of what helps me a little more so good.

Cat: I love that. Yeah, gosh, katie, we have to like maybe we should just make that a part of like we should have like set office hours. Actually, we all love the flexibility of not having set office hours right now, but I'm like we just make it like okay, everyone, it is like short whole time, like stop what you're doing at your workstation, like we're all just gonna sit here and journal for like 15 minutes. I've actually thought about that. 

Kati: We should actually I think that's like okay, we have like two minutes of journaling, get your thoughts out. Or I've even thought about like okay, we're just gonna do like some deep breathing for a second and then we'll get into our meeting oh yeah, we're gonna this is our affirmation this week, and so we're gonna make everybody focus on the affirmation. That's what we should do.

Cat: We should do that at like team meetings. Yeah, we should incorporate like journaling or breathing or all the things I know it's a great idea.

Kati: Like you don't want to do that, you probably shouldn't work here this is kind of a jam what we do so I, so it's not crazy. I've actually thought about doing that we should totally do it.

Cat: We should do it for our meetings. We should, because then I'm like that would be the perfect time for me to journal, because, goodness, knows. I'm not able, yet to do that on my own for whatever reason so and it's kind of like a little reset.

Kati: Yeah, like it's hard to go into a meeting or into whatever you're doing. If you just came from picking up kids, you just came from whatever you're doing. If you just came from picking up kids, you just came from whatever. You're running late. That's exactly how it happened.

Cat: I'm talking about, like where are you pulling these random things from? What are these examples? They've never happened like that.

Kati: It's just a little reset. Yeah, deep breathe For just two minutes, four breaths, and that's it. Let's do it Right, it right now, I mean when we have our when we have our meeting.

Cat: Let's talk about we'll brainstorm that I like it yeah, so just little things.

Kati: It doesn't have to be big, it doesn't have to be super hard, it doesn't have to be super time consuming. It's just a little reset. Wherever you need it, check off a box. If you have to check off a box, find that motivation, yeah blue goldstone yeah, good great so any other thoughts?

Cat: no, that's good for me.

Kati: Well, I'll read our affirmation. So the blue goldstone motivation affirmation is I am motivated to reach my goals. Period mic drop, not your blue gold.

Cat: So all right guys. Thanks for joining us this week and we will see you next time for some more mindset, tips and tricks. Bye.


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