How to Follow Your Intuition Frequency - Amethyst Crystal Benefits

How to Follow Your Intuition Frequency - Amethyst Crystal Benefits

Intuition can often feel elusive, but it’s a powerful tool that we all possess. In this week’s Mindful Moments with WonderLight Jewelry podcast episode, we dove into the mindset of intuition, represented by the beautiful amethyst gemstone. Known for its deep purple hues, amethyst symbolizes protection and guidance, reminding us to trust our inner compass.

Amethyst: A Guide for Intuition

Amethyst is not just a visually stunning gemstone—it carries the meaning of spiritual protection and intuitive guidance. At WonderLight Jewelry, our amethyst pieces come with an affirmation card that reads:
“I allow my intuition to guide me.”
This simple phrase encourages you to trust the inner voice that can guide you through life’s decisions, big or small. Wearing amethyst can serve as a reminder to listen to that quiet, internal voice and protect yourself from negative influences.



How Does Intuition Impact Decision Making?

Intuition plays a significant role in our decision-making process. It’s that gut feeling you get when something feels right—or wrong—without needing logical reasoning to back it up. Many of us, however, struggle with trusting our intuition, especially when fear or anxiety clouds our judgment. It’s easy to second-guess whether it’s truly your intuition speaking or simply outside pressures influencing you.

One of the key points we discussed is that intuition isn’t always loud. It often requires practice and patience to learn how to listen and act on it. Over time, the more you trust your intuition, the clearer and stronger it becomes. It’s also helpful to reflect on past experiences where you trusted—or ignored—your intuition and see how those decisions turned out.



Developing Your Intuition

Here are a few ways to strengthen your intuition:

  • Practice Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on decisions you’ve made in the past. Were there moments when you trusted your gut, and things worked out well? How did that feel? Remembering these instances can help you recognize when your intuition is speaking in future situations.

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: By being present and practicing mindfulness, you can quiet the noise around you and tune into your inner thoughts. Meditation is a powerful tool for developing intuition, helping you get in touch with your deeper self and clearer thinking.

  • Wear Amethyst: Wearing an amethyst piece, whether it’s a necklace, bracelet, or earrings, can serve as a tangible reminder to trust your intuition. Each time you touch or see the stone, it can prompt you to pause and listen to your inner guide.

  • Act Without Fear: Often, fear and anxiety block our intuition. By letting go of the worry about what others think or fear of making the wrong choice, you allow yourself to act on what feels right to you. Intuition thrives when we release the “shoulds” of life and trust our own instincts.


Intuition as Protection

Intuition isn’t just about making good decisions—it can also protect you from negative influences. Whether it’s avoiding a harmful situation or recognizing when something feels off, your intuition is there to steer you away from potential harm.

We shared a personal story during the podcast about how sometimes intuition can be subtle, like deciding not to attend an event without fully understanding why. Later, it became clear that staying home was the right decision, as the event turned out to be affected by unforeseen circumstances. Trusting those small nudges, even when they don’t make sense in the moment, can offer invaluable protection.

Final Thoughts on Intuition

Cultivating intuition is a lifelong practice, and it requires self-trust and reflection. Whether you’re working through major life decisions or simply tuning into your daily needs, learning to trust your intuition will help you live with more clarity and peace.

If you’re looking to enhance your intuitive abilities, consider adding an amethyst piece from WonderLight Jewelry to your collection. Let it serve as your daily reminder to trust your inner wisdom and embrace the guidance it offers.

For more insights on how to cultivate mindfulness and intuition, tune in to this week’s episode of Mindful Moments and join us again next week as we explore another mindful mindset!





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